
Cipher People

Cipher People

“Can you not see that there are only two creeds in the world possible for men; that there are only two sides on which a man can place himself? Are you for a free world, or for a world placed under authority? Are you…a believer in force, or do you take your stand on the fixed and inalienable rights of the individual?”


As we stand on a precipice of a society reset, with petty state politicians being given the mandate to lockdown an economy and peoples freedom on the back of an engineered crisis, the need to question the narrative and the opportunity it gives the state to implement control mechanisms such as chip, track, and trace technology for the “GOOD” of its people’ is never more so imperative

It is so vitally important for critically thinking people to organize a resistance to the opportunity for a centralized government to grow to uncontrollable proportions.

Auberon Herbert British writer, theorist, philosopher, and 19th-century individualist believed that for this to happen the masses must be transformed into what he called Ciphers.

Ciphers are individuals lacking in moral autonomy, deficient in critical thinking and incapable of acting with courage. The cipher is too afraid or incompetent to think for himself, and so, he submissively regurgitates slogans heard in the media and robotically obeys orders from the political class.

These dehumanized non-entities are moulded by years of indoctrination in state-schools, decades of propaganda from media and popular culture, and constant exposure to numbing and dumbing distractions.

The Cipher is the man or woman whose spirit has been broken and who is the easy prey of the power-hungry amongst the political class.

“The great trick, the winning of power, requires Ciphers, and can’t be played in any other fashion

When the game is afoot the Cipher is the consumer of the bread and circuses that the state and its power brokers dish out for the entertainment and placating of the masses as distractions for the growth and stranglehold on the reins of power under the guise of “the greater good”.

Along with incubating the Cipher class, the minions of the elite oligarch power base in its parasitic host relationship of the masses seek to control resources and authority platforms.

Picture also the horde of countless officials, who would form a bureaucratic, all-powerful army…always engaged in spying, restraining, and repressing, forever monotonously repeating, as if they governed a nursery—“Don’t, you mustn’t”;

When the Mainstream media narrative is only represented by “authorized” mouthpieces and the use of the divide and conquer content to pit the Cipher class against the critical thinker is the dialogue of fear, the content grist mill required to subvert the facts is made so much easier by the shutting down of alternative news outlets.

Those that seek to control the narrative go as far as to cast dispersions on an individual as to having phycological damage if you should dare to challenge the mainstream party line.

This is not something that has happened overnight, this power grab agenda has been in the making for many years under different guises.

The nanny state and its bureaucracy hide agendas that have been lampooned as conspiracy theories yet are hidden in plain sight as environmentalism, social justice, philanthropic endeavours and smart city infrastructure design and implementation.

The world economy was teetering before the feardemic lockdowns systemically destroyed small business, creatives income sources, and individual interaction on a human level to the point that the vast majority are willing to accept any compromise to get back to some normalcy.

This is part of the plan to normalize a new “normal” where we are expected to fall in step with the plans laid out to deconstruct humanity to a level of transhumanism whereby the technocracy of the oligarchs are able to control the masses for their own ends, which at the heart of it all lay the desire that has plagued all civilization before our present-day and that is to create a centralized distribution of all assets and wealth so that power is taken from the free market peoples place of the Agora to the walled garden of the elite.


Healthy Mindset beats a fear-based mindset

If you can grasp that being free of illness and disease is not some distant dream and is something that you as a real human being can enjoy even as biological age accrues, then you have found a cornerstone for healthy ageing.

No one has the unshakable blueprint for long-term pristine health, but of the few things I understand, every person is different and every life is different.

The variables of, luck/fate/destiny, whichever way you want to look at it, does play some role and if you have a good parent gene pool you have a head start in a longevity game.

I would like to believe that among the genetic inheritance lotto and environmental values that surround a person, by giving a healthy mindset some attention, many more people would have the opportunity to know better health well into their older ages.

An observation of mine is that a lot of people focus far too much on sickness.

To which I can understand to a small extent. as the fact of being sick and infirmed sucks, yet too much of a focus on sickness seems to pave a highway with which sickness gains access.

I would be fairly sure that there are people in your life that wear illness, and tragedy as some form of a badge of honour.

To counter this negative trait of this type of person, with tales of people who have been sickness-free for long periods, seems to invoke some sort of jealousy or incredibility on your story of health and well being as a consistent trait. 

This could be because many people accept getting sick as a “healthy” norm and by mentioning such a thing as a constant attitude to feeling well is seen as making others feel bad.

How Does Healthy mindset thinking work?

In my observation and practice: Just stop expecting to get sick. If that sounds too simplistic, just give it a go. 

Remember you are on the battlefield that big pharma’s endless TV advertisements rain down on, the fear-fest of seasonal changes and coupled with the sickness-is-the-norm expectations of those around you, you will find a self-sovereign style of thinking is harder than you can imagine.

Intention is a powerful tool, what we intend and what is the outcome, is sometimes set in a grey area as opposed to black and white, yet there will be real outcomes to deal with that have manifested in our lives. 

I strongly believe and practice the mindset of not to get sick.

 I know for some the mention of “energetically” combating the societal meme of “I’m getting sick,” along with other rejections of fear-based thinking is in the land of WOO WOOO, yet all too often this belief is the difference between leading a life on your terms or falling foul of sickness thinking.

It is well documented that thought and emotions do not just flash through our bodies without chemical reactions.

If you experience almost any strong emotion, neuropeptides cascade into your bloodstream causing your thoughts/ emotions to be transmitted all through your body.

This is established science in many fields of human behaviour, and human potential speakers like Tony Robins etc use this process of chemical anchoring so it shouldn’t be a stretch to imagine that expecting to get sick might prime our bodies to get sick … and the reverse … to claim and hold the intention that expecting to be well, works to advantage of sending the right chemical cocktails into our system to keep our bodies in good health.

Whereas the things I believe and what I have observed, are by no means couched in “scientific research”, there is enough observable worthwhile results to warrant the thinking of positive thoughts, as opposed to the observance and acceptance of the fear-based dialogue of corporate marketing.

This establishing of a healthy mindset will be of immense benefit to many who read or hear these words.

 By rejecting a fear-based sickness driven dialogue that pervades our society on all levels, will lead to the ability to be able to recognize the herd mindset and spot the carrot or whip techniques that industry and the “authorities” use on you.

 Make no mistake, the prevailing memes that seek to position a third party “authoritative source” as the only believable option for choices of a well-lived functional healthy lifestyle, is to prevent you from making self-sovereign choices that lead you to a joy-full wellness consciousness and rejecting fear-based sickness consciousness. 

Self-Sovereignty Uncategorised

Self-Sovereignty is it the same as self-control or self-reliance

Are we becoming a society that seems to have given up on a true self-sovereign form of self-reliance, whilst at the same time excusing the absence of self-control in their lives? 

Ralph Waldo Emerson captures this sentiment, writing: “Unless we overtake ourselves, circumstances will overtake us.”

The psychology of self-control does show that people are more inclined to change addiction habits when they reach out to a community resource to hold them accountable, same applies to the fact that participants are more likely to stick to an exercise program for longer when they commit to a group activity. 

Another aspect of self-control that many 12-step self-help programs are organized around is that of changing your circumstance rather than building willpower. 

Communal or any shared dependence, can be a success principle, in the case of healthy self-reliance

The science behind this is subtle, but it helps to differentiate the understanding between self-control, self-reliance and self-sovereignty. 

What breaks a resolution is a strong temptation. To fight temptations we need willpower, which is prone to fatigue.

As far as will power goes, better solutions are to remove or lessen temptation in the first instance. 

That means as a self-sovereign thinker you’re unlikely to feel the pull of giving up on your resolutions, and relying on others to support you when you falter, if you understand the environmental temptations and what alternatives are available to you.

Recognition that the absence of self-control and perceived self-reliance based on hive-mind thinking is not a healthy state of self -reliance, but a carefully contrived dialogue you have been subjected to, is when the differences to genuine aspects of Self-sovereignty is clear to see.

The emerging dialogue in the western culture is to a hive mind where anyone that deems to think differently is outside the circle and should not be allowed voice or place in the debate.

The panacea of a hive mind self-reliance is to build up the consumer toys, the retirement fund, and bow to the altar of consumerism. At the same time failing to recognize the lack of self-control and a willingness to blame others for things that go wrong.

With that in mind, here are five strategies you can use to build a true communal connection, recognize hive mind, harness and determine your environmental triggers.

Environmental triggers

The earlier you can target environmental triggers, that lead to hive-mind thinking the better off you will be. Recognize what situations are likely to make self-control difficult and come up with a plan to avoid those situations. Perhaps the post-Christmas sales or end of year run-out sales the hive mind needs to justify, are something you should avoid.

Social media and keyboard warriors

Social media and keyboard warriors pinging your device for your attention, try switching off your data connection for certain times, show a true aspect of self-reliance and chase down a primary source document from one of the fire hoses of social media commentaries, and check the source and counter opinions instead of blindly re-tweeting the latest meme. 

Money or Debt

Money or Debt the goal of the anti-community is to make the have and the have not’s use the belief that more is better and that debt is money and it buys you the same value of future enjoyment. 

If you want something, be very specific, state what you will do, when you will do it, and the true cost. Specifying the details of what the consequences are, makes self-control more likely that you succeed in any heat of the moment/hive mind buying decisions.

Plan your community

Plan your community find a few friends who you could call on for a conversation whenever you are needing to hear a different viewpoint on a subject matter. You never want to find your self in an echo chamber of similar opinions or thought processes. This is a true strength of community to be tolerant and examine alternative viewpoints to a societal norm or newly introduced meme, not to demonize and de-platform alternative thinking.


Use imagination

Use imagination, you can improve the cultivation of self-sovereignty using the “what if” technique.

“What if” is a powerfully endowed statement that allows unfettered imagination and possibilities a starting point, which in turn allows solutions and alternatives to be allowed to percolate to the surface of your conscious mind. 

The imagining of “what if ” done with intention is like a key that unlocks the unconscious thought patterns that will always be knocking at the door of consciousness.

The societal patterns and norms we are exposed to, are dictating the use of self-control and self-reliance aspects just to deal with the noise of the second part of the Emerson quote I used at the beginning the

 ” circumstances will overtake us” 

The first part of his quote that I started with

 “Unless we overtake ourselves”

 is a primary element of understanding Self-sovereignty as an antidote to the hive mind and newspeak mentality. This hive mind, newspeak mentality is showing up as a platform for a crippled sense of self-reliance, absence of self-control, and a cause for the proliferation of blame and shame culture and no responsibility. 


There is no perfect strategy that will allow a “free will ” mindset to have a universally accepted application to every individual’s life.

The concept of self-sovereignty as a true barometer of a life well lived and harmonious society is nebulous at best. Though it has enough of a positive effect on an individuals life to implement at any level.


Make no mistake to live a life based on the decision making matrix of the concept of self-sovereignty is to accept straight up that you as an individual are responsible for your life and all aspects of your field of influence on it. 

At times it is not for the faint-hearted because you will be going against the tide at some point and plunging down the rapids at others. 

The water current analogy is another of the fundamental aspects of self-sovereignty, by understanding that recognizing life is a wild ride you are responsible for looking ahead and preparing for what conditions are known and building resilience to the unknown.   


Self-Sovereignty And The Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying

Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse who spent several years working in palliative care, caring for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives.

“When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently,” she says, “common themes surfaced again and again.”

You could ask … hang on … what do the regrets of the dying have to do with self-sovereignty.

 A fair enough question … I will outline the top five regrets of the dying, as witnessed by Ware: and comment on the aspect of a self-sovereignty perspective, within the statements of the top 5 regrets the elderly made

I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me

On the surface, this becomes easy to understand if you do have the opportunity to view your life from this aspect of self-sovereignty that I speak to.

Unfortunately, this can be a lot of the work that a person needs do is to recognise what are the drivers in their life. 

Are you doing what you want to do, or are you doing something that somebody else expected of you? 

Quite often a family or societal mindset put pressure on people to perform a duty or a function that deep down, or at times not even so deep down, that they know is not something they want to do and does not provide the satisfaction to enjoy the life they lead.

I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.

The ability to cultivate a degree of self-sovereignty means you begin to question work and its meaning the why and the rewards.

Work is a necessary function in people’s lives it gives people a purpose it also provides the income for other necessities of life. Without the awareness that comes with the development of self-sovereignty, it’s easy to get mixed up with a desire for more, and the desire to be seen as “successful” where more is not the answer to unhappiness

I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

The candid expression of feelings enables more than just a verbal out for something that is welling up inside. 

Some studies show many people developed illnesses relating to bitterness, resentment or disappointment they carry as a result of not expressing their feelings.

The energetic flow of pent up unexpressed feeling has both outward and internal manifestations that show up with the passage of time. 

I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

To hold true to a message of self-sovereignty,the ability of a person to maintain relationships that can suffer the slings and arrows of other people’s viewpoints, whilst remain true to the concept that we are one people.

Whatever we do, has an impact on other peoples lives regardless of the outward expression concerning your actions.    

It is all too easy to judge somebody on rumour or these days social media comment. Friendship is precious, true friendship is a wealth of a kind that allows a person to reach into a store of memories and relationships when times are hard.

Number 5 

I wish that I had let myself be happier. 

This narration and the observations I have applied to the top 5 regrets of the dying within a context of applied self-sovereignty are something that is influenced by my journey and aspects of self-sovereignty that I have worked through in my life.

This list of the five most common regret the dying is for me summed up in this last one of ” I wish that I had let myself be happier ” mostly due to the realisation that being happy and the state of happiness is a choice.

Yes I agree certain circumstances generate the state of happiness easier than others, yet many in this world have little yet they have a sense of happiness.

Familiarity, fear of change, tribal connections, status quo, old patterns and habits, the desire to not rock the boat, to put one’s head above the parapets, and heaven forbid to be individual are all elements of a stifled expression to the way I see the term self-sovereignty used and to be in implemented into a persons life.

A great saying I have always enjoyed is that you should

Dance as if no one is watching and to Sing as if no one is listening

I know easier said than done isn’t it, perhaps that’s where the sense of applied self-sovereignty is rooted.

If you can understand that knowledge of the sovereignty of yourself is to accept that you are responsible for your life and happiness is a choice.

With a truly robust sense of self-sovereignty in your life, you will be better prepared not to let external influences dictate your life in a manner that has you on your deathbed with the same most common regrets I have used here.

Don’t forget too that if you would like to comment on anything or have any questions head over to any of our social media platforms or our website 

Which is the free where if you are in Australia you can order our wundermix or if you like you can find us on Youtube and Instagram.


What Does Self-Sovereignty Mean

As we go into the new year my intention is to progress with a series of narrations on specific topics that are the makeup of the free radicals anti ageing healthy lifestyle choices. Over the next month the narration will be a series on the application of the idea of self-sovereignty, and what does it mean.

Sovereignty expressed as ” Sovereignty is the full right and power of a governing body over itself, without any interference from outside sources or bodies” or “Complete independence and self-government.” this expression of understanding the word, applies to your thoughts as you gather information regarding your external circumstance.

Every day we have new information coming at us from various sources. The ability to sieve and allocate the news that we hear and to use that information we are given in a usable form of action largely depends on filters that we apply to it from previous lessons learned and the prevailing consensus of the tribe we identify with.

 These lessons are different for all us there is no one size fits all we are all individuals, this idea of individuality is a commonly expressed sentiment in the field of self-improvement et cetera.

To understand the concept of being an individual, to understand the concept of self-sovereignty is to recognise the inputs into our lives that send us into a controlled rage, an uncontrolled rage, or perhaps craziness, which go hand in hand with all the other emotional upheavals that are triggered by what messaging gets thrown at us.

In understanding methods behind the ability to view the information of corporate and media messaging, with a perspective of clarity and discernment of action, as opposed to just reacting, is what sets apart sovereignty of thought from, reaction actions, to one of a mindfulness action.

This at first is a difficult task due to the constant mind chatter, that we don’t understand or do not recognise, or are fully unconscious of.

This unconsciousness has led us as humans to feel safe, not to question, to feel comfortable, to be part of that tribe.

In this tribalism, is the ability to be able to stay safe and is the common denominator amongst reaction decisions/actions.

 To decide to go against the herd mentality of collective groupthink in psychological terms is to bare yourself, and to be ostracised from the tribe,

This postulation stemming from the primal part of our brain is calculated to be able to keep us safe, this stems back to a time when being isolated from a tribe meant certain death.

 Even now in our culture that does not have to worry about tigers jumping out from the bush or roaming bands of invaders, we are still connected via a primordial function of survival.

When we can separate our functions/actions and thinking, it puts us back to the idea of self-sovereignty. 

Self-sovereignty is the ability to recognize societal conditioning of thought patterns, self-sovereignty is to understand that you as an individual are responsible for the things that happen in your life.

Self-sovereignty is about making sure that the information that you are hearing and acting on, is something you truly believe, based on your present moment thinking as opposed to a groupthink, messaging marketing think, or survival think.

The age-old philosophical debate as to whether we have free will keeps philosophers engaged and will do for many, many, many years. 

This is not about the debate of, if we have free will, self- sovereignty I believe is different, cultivating self-sovereignty is exercising the ability to make decisions, to create your own set of circumstances based on information that you have filtered through a conscious effort of mindful interpretation of all information you have gathered or are subject to.

Free will, is believing that the decisions you make are based on your freedom to make these decisions, though if you do not have the reflection of a self-sovereignty process, the idea of free will, can still be made up of unconscious thought patterns.

Self-sovereignty is something learned, self-sovereignty is consistent learning. The source of sovereignty at its core is you stating you take responsibility for your actions.

These actions are not based on the fear of going against groupthink or standing out, these are thoughts that create action steps based on looking for the facts and digesting information as it applies to you.

Perhaps you will chase down primary source documentation of an “accepted truth” or by using your observable facts to question propagated memes.

It also pays to have a general mistrust for accepted societal mindsets, especially in today’s age of heavily biased and manipulative corporate news and marketing behaviours.

This is where the application of the practice of mindfulness, enables the space between reaction and action. To spend time in a mindfulness condition is having the ability to recognise the need to practice equanimity in your thoughts.

The role of equanimity in your life results in actions that are well-considered from the self-sovereignty aspect of living life on your terms.

Even if the practice of self-sovereignty means sailing into the headwinds of prevailing societal patterns you have to navigate by setting your own course.