
Healthy Mindset beats a fear-based mindset

If you can grasp that being free of illness and disease is not some distant dream and is something that you as a real human being can enjoy even as biological age accrues, then you have found a cornerstone for healthy ageing.

No one has the unshakable blueprint for long-term pristine health, but of the few things I understand, every person is different and every life is different.

The variables of, luck/fate/destiny, whichever way you want to look at it, does play some role and if you have a good parent gene pool you have a head start in a longevity game.

I would like to believe that among the genetic inheritance lotto and environmental values that surround a person, by giving a healthy mindset some attention, many more people would have the opportunity to know better health well into their older ages.

An observation of mine is that a lot of people focus far too much on sickness.

To which I can understand to a small extent. as the fact of being sick and infirmed sucks, yet too much of a focus on sickness seems to pave a highway with which sickness gains access.

I would be fairly sure that there are people in your life that wear illness, and tragedy as some form of a badge of honour.

To counter this negative trait of this type of person, with tales of people who have been sickness-free for long periods, seems to invoke some sort of jealousy or incredibility on your story of health and well being as a consistent trait. 

This could be because many people accept getting sick as a “healthy” norm and by mentioning such a thing as a constant attitude to feeling well is seen as making others feel bad.

How Does Healthy mindset thinking work?

In my observation and practice: Just stop expecting to get sick. If that sounds too simplistic, just give it a go. 

Remember you are on the battlefield that big pharma’s endless TV advertisements rain down on, the fear-fest of seasonal changes and coupled with the sickness-is-the-norm expectations of those around you, you will find a self-sovereign style of thinking is harder than you can imagine.

Intention is a powerful tool, what we intend and what is the outcome, is sometimes set in a grey area as opposed to black and white, yet there will be real outcomes to deal with that have manifested in our lives. 

I strongly believe and practice the mindset of not to get sick.

 I know for some the mention of “energetically” combating the societal meme of “I’m getting sick,” along with other rejections of fear-based thinking is in the land of WOO WOOO, yet all too often this belief is the difference between leading a life on your terms or falling foul of sickness thinking.

It is well documented that thought and emotions do not just flash through our bodies without chemical reactions.

If you experience almost any strong emotion, neuropeptides cascade into your bloodstream causing your thoughts/ emotions to be transmitted all through your body.

This is established science in many fields of human behaviour, and human potential speakers like Tony Robins etc use this process of chemical anchoring so it shouldn’t be a stretch to imagine that expecting to get sick might prime our bodies to get sick … and the reverse … to claim and hold the intention that expecting to be well, works to advantage of sending the right chemical cocktails into our system to keep our bodies in good health.

Whereas the things I believe and what I have observed, are by no means couched in “scientific research”, there is enough observable worthwhile results to warrant the thinking of positive thoughts, as opposed to the observance and acceptance of the fear-based dialogue of corporate marketing.

This establishing of a healthy mindset will be of immense benefit to many who read or hear these words.

 By rejecting a fear-based sickness driven dialogue that pervades our society on all levels, will lead to the ability to be able to recognize the herd mindset and spot the carrot or whip techniques that industry and the “authorities” use on you.

 Make no mistake, the prevailing memes that seek to position a third party “authoritative source” as the only believable option for choices of a well-lived functional healthy lifestyle, is to prevent you from making self-sovereign choices that lead you to a joy-full wellness consciousness and rejecting fear-based sickness consciousness. 


Best Whole Foods For Brain Health

Best Whole Foods For Brain Health

We have all had days where we are just unable to concentrate on anything.

There are well-run studies that have shown that there is a definite relationship between what we put in our mouths and how well our brain works.

Other studies have also shown that eating a diet high in saturated fats causes a person to feel sluggish, lack energy and focus.

Even though there is no one magic pill that we can take to help us maintain perfect brain health, there are certain foods we can add to our diet that will help improve brain function.

So: what are some of the whole Foods That Help Improve And Protect Brain Function

• Though not a food group we all know our bodies need water to function properly, medical science has shown that dehydration can cause brain tissue to shrink, as well as the fact that dehydration impairs short term memory, focus and decision making.

• Beets – Studies have shown that eating beets increase the blood flow to your brain, which, will improve brain function!

• Animal sourced food groups such as eggs, oysters or fish. have whole food nutrients that are great for brain function. Eggs are full of B-12, which helps to fight against atrophy (the natural shrinking of the brain as we age). The yolk of the egg is full of choline, which is a building block of brain cells and it has been proven that choline can help greatly improve your memory.

• Oysters are high in zinc and iron, which are vital for proper brain function. Studies have shown that a lack of zinc and iron in a person’s diet can result in poor concentration, inability to recall things that have happened, as well as many other problems throughout the entire body.

• Fish contain high levels of omega 3 and omega 3 coats the neurons in the brain allowing them to move easily. Omega 3 also allows the brain to get more oxygen, retain new information, as well as recall old information. Herring, Salmon, and Tuna are the best fish you can eat to help with brain function.

All animal-derived whole food nutrition should be sourced with the knowledge of its production methods and the ethical and environmental impact of its growth and harvesting.

Just because your nutrients come from a plant-based resource does not automatically exclude it from environmental and farming ethics. The best choices are locally grown organic in-season foods. Unfortunately, though it is not easily obtainable for a lot of people

• Berries – Berries are often referred to as superfoods because many of them contain fisetin and flavonoid, which help to improve your memory. Blueberries have been shown to help improve motor skills, as well as learning capacity.

• Nuts and seeds -Nuts and seeds are full of Omega’s 3 and 6, folate, vitamins B6 and E, all of which help you to think more clearly. Some also contain magnesium and thiamine which are great for cognitive function as well as memory.

• Leafy Greens – We all know we should eat our leafy greens every day and here is just one more reason we should. Leafy Greens contain B6, B12, and folate. They also contain high levels of iron and it has been proven that if you do not get enough iron your cognitive activity will slow down significantly. Leafy greens include kale, spinach, chard and greens.

• Broccoli – Broccoli is also a great whole food for a healthy brain. Broccoli has been proven to improve memory, as well as slow the ageing process of the brain.

While not a fully comprehensive list of food Choices For Brain Health and the antioxidants that help protect brain cells from damage. Antioxidants can be found in

• Berries: Blueberries, Blackberries, Strawberries, Raspberries, Goji Berries, Mulberries, Boysenberries and Cranberries.
• Red Grapes
• Mangos
• Oranges
• Carrots
• Tomatoes
• Cantaloupe
• Green, Red & Yellow Peppers

These foods contain Folic Acid that helps to prevent brain cell degeneration, and so you lose fewer brain cells.

• Okra
• Collard greens
• Asparagus
• Black Beans
• Romaine Lettuce
• Spinach
• Lentils
• Black-Eyed Peas
• Sunflower Seeds

Sources of Essential Fatty Acids

Processed food, as opposed to whole foods either have none or have had their essential Fatty acids removed to prolong shelf life. But, essential fatty acids, including, EPA/DHA and Omega-3 are important for the health and development of the brain because they reduce inflammation and support cell regeneration.

• Salmon
• Sardines
• Herring
• Mackerel
• Tuna
• Flaxseeds
• Walnuts
• Soybeans
• Tofu
• Chia seeds
• Hemp seeds

Final Thoughts

Adding whole foods to your diet that are healthy for your brain is a great way to help prevent degeneration as you age, as well as help you focus on your tasks right now. If you are having trouble concentrating, try adding some of the mentioned foods to your diet and enjoy optimal brain and overall health and wellness.

Diet is not a one size fits all solution, indeed diet solutions are a billion-dollar industry that is prone to popular myths, fads and misinformation competing for the spotlight and the money prize.

It is also important to note that a diet that is comprised of whole foods, and one that eliminates processed products and junk food has a vast amount of other health benefits.

If you can grow your food, or support a local grower and become more aware of the consequences of the choices you are making you will see a positive difference to your own life and contribute to the overall health of the planet.

Any information that gets put out by our Free Radicals channels has the intention to promote a sense of self-sovereignty, conscious decision making, and to challenge the existing paradigm that surrounds ageing and the expectations of health and vitality as it is fed to us via industry narratives that want you to be dependent on pills and potions instead of natural longevity through the best whole foods for brain health and active lifestyle choices.

You are welcome to join in any conversation, on the facebook page, Youtube channel, website or if you have any questions just drop us an email.