
Self-Sovereignty And The Top 5 Regrets Of The Dying

Bronnie Ware is an Australian nurse who spent several years working in palliative care, caring for patients in the last 12 weeks of their lives.

“When questioned about any regrets they had or anything they would do differently,” she says, “common themes surfaced again and again.”

You could ask … hang on … what do the regrets of the dying have to do with self-sovereignty.

 A fair enough question … I will outline the top five regrets of the dying, as witnessed by Ware: and comment on the aspect of a self-sovereignty perspective, within the statements of the top 5 regrets the elderly made

I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me

On the surface, this becomes easy to understand if you do have the opportunity to view your life from this aspect of self-sovereignty that I speak to.

Unfortunately, this can be a lot of the work that a person needs do is to recognise what are the drivers in their life. 

Are you doing what you want to do, or are you doing something that somebody else expected of you? 

Quite often a family or societal mindset put pressure on people to perform a duty or a function that deep down, or at times not even so deep down, that they know is not something they want to do and does not provide the satisfaction to enjoy the life they lead.

I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.

The ability to cultivate a degree of self-sovereignty means you begin to question work and its meaning the why and the rewards.

Work is a necessary function in people’s lives it gives people a purpose it also provides the income for other necessities of life. Without the awareness that comes with the development of self-sovereignty, it’s easy to get mixed up with a desire for more, and the desire to be seen as “successful” where more is not the answer to unhappiness

I wish I’d had the courage to express my feelings.

The candid expression of feelings enables more than just a verbal out for something that is welling up inside. 

Some studies show many people developed illnesses relating to bitterness, resentment or disappointment they carry as a result of not expressing their feelings.

The energetic flow of pent up unexpressed feeling has both outward and internal manifestations that show up with the passage of time. 

I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.

To hold true to a message of self-sovereignty,the ability of a person to maintain relationships that can suffer the slings and arrows of other people’s viewpoints, whilst remain true to the concept that we are one people.

Whatever we do, has an impact on other peoples lives regardless of the outward expression concerning your actions.    

It is all too easy to judge somebody on rumour or these days social media comment. Friendship is precious, true friendship is a wealth of a kind that allows a person to reach into a store of memories and relationships when times are hard.

Number 5 

I wish that I had let myself be happier. 

This narration and the observations I have applied to the top 5 regrets of the dying within a context of applied self-sovereignty are something that is influenced by my journey and aspects of self-sovereignty that I have worked through in my life.

This list of the five most common regret the dying is for me summed up in this last one of ” I wish that I had let myself be happier ” mostly due to the realisation that being happy and the state of happiness is a choice.

Yes I agree certain circumstances generate the state of happiness easier than others, yet many in this world have little yet they have a sense of happiness.

Familiarity, fear of change, tribal connections, status quo, old patterns and habits, the desire to not rock the boat, to put one’s head above the parapets, and heaven forbid to be individual are all elements of a stifled expression to the way I see the term self-sovereignty used and to be in implemented into a persons life.

A great saying I have always enjoyed is that you should

Dance as if no one is watching and to Sing as if no one is listening

I know easier said than done isn’t it, perhaps that’s where the sense of applied self-sovereignty is rooted.

If you can understand that knowledge of the sovereignty of yourself is to accept that you are responsible for your life and happiness is a choice.

With a truly robust sense of self-sovereignty in your life, you will be better prepared not to let external influences dictate your life in a manner that has you on your deathbed with the same most common regrets I have used here.

Don’t forget too that if you would like to comment on anything or have any questions head over to any of our social media platforms or our website 

Which is the free where if you are in Australia you can order our wundermix or if you like you can find us on Youtube and Instagram.

By wattzupsport

Always prepared to question, never prepared to go along to get along.

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