Freedom cells No dig gardening Self-Sovereignty

The Free Radicals

For the record, We have been educators of the alternatives as The Free Radicals for conventional meat-based diets, footwear for running, debt-based consumption of goods and materials, and other unconscious accepted lifestyle practices for many years.

At the nexus of it all is the desire to arrive at the end line without the accepted ailments of “old age” being the storyline that most seem to take as inevitable.

We are attempting to have fun with the concept and name of The Free Radicals.

Part of the call to consciousness that we speak to as The Free Radicals is understanding that Free radicals in a bodies system are the natural by-products of chemical processes.

Just as with Metabolism and life in general, the act of living creates free radicals.

You need free radicals. Free radicals are essential to life,

The body’s ability to turn air and food into chemical energy depends on free radicals’ chain reaction.

For instance, free radicals are also a crucial part of the immune system, floating through the veins and attacking foreign invaders.

The word radical in a language sense is described as

“thoroughgoing or extreme, especially as regards change from accepted or traditional forms.”

Paired with the word Free and the interpretation

“not determined by anything beyond its own nature or being: choosing or capable of choosing for itself.”

I realize the concept of Free thought etc., can lead to aspects and discussions of free will and its expressions, so I like the term self-sovereignty.


Conscious application of responsibility for one’s own life and its ripple effects fits the call to consciousness that needs to occur as self-sovereignty is expressed.

This responsibility application is becoming more important as we are constantly bombarded with corporate messaging to believe in their health advice and products.

It is not about blaming banks, corporations or the government for the world’s ills or your life. Ultimately, it is about taking responsibility for what you want to see and be in your life.

Some concepts of morality and civilization are often a veneer plastered over the fact that most historical evidence shows that the human condition and our ancestors were prone to violence and annihilation as the solution for survival preparation.


The freedoms available in any given country can only be measured by its respect for its citizens’ rights.

Your liberty and your privacy are under constant attack by the government and its entrenched system of belief in ‘authority.’

Protecting your ability to exercise your rights to self-sovereignty from these threats should be your goal.


Throughout most history, governments in all their forms are the instigator of destruction and doom of “civilization.”

Civilization is not “democracy” or any other form of bureaucratic control.

Civilization has always grown through mutual cooperation and the good of the community.

Living an example of our lifestyle choices encourages others to believe that there are viable alternatives and opportunities to explore if you want to.

A favourite quote of mine comes from the writings of Robert Frost.

I shall be telling this with a sigh.
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I—
I took the one less travelled by,
And that has made all the difference.


19th century French anarchist and revolutionary Pierre-Joseph Proudhon from his 1851 book: ‘The General Idea of the Revolution in the Nineteenth Century:

“To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed, law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at, controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to do so.

“To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered, assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden, reformed, corrected, punished.

It is, under the pretext of public utility, and in the name of the general interest, to be placed under contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from, squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, slandered, harassed, hunted down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged, condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonoured.

That is government; that is its justice; that is its morality.”


Vested corporate interests, elitist banking cartels, and government minions force the consensus community’s natural order to the artificial growth model based on usery and capital control.

The growth of convenience consumption that has blinded people to the real values of production and sustainability are all about keeping intact
the artificial systems that only feed the upper echelon of the system controllers.

Above all, genuine progress and real wealth creation follow a natural order of human evolution: individual merit, enterprise, actual production, and creation instead of unconscious consumption and corporate market manipulation.

To achieve being fit and active with your ageing protocols, then there is a lot you can do for your lifestyle.

All without the need for participation in the corporate media manipulated world of pills, potions and fad extremes.

Therefore as Educators and suppliers of alternatives to the mainstream corporate and agenda-driven ageing and healthy lifestyle options that only serve to increase dependence on their industry and decrease a persons self-sovereignty over their health and lifestyle choices, there is more to say about how you can avoid mass surveillance (both digital and physical) and how it could be coupled with digital money and financial repression to control your life, plus what you have to do now to stay free.

The free radicals

Concepts of Agorism, counter-economics, voluntarism and mutual cooperation in a decentralized economy and social structure are the brave new world in the real world alternatives to escaping the moral turpitude and corruption of free speech and the continued erosion of individual rights.

By setting up networks of like-minded individuals with concepts of Freedomcells or other independent, non-state compliant alternatives, you will be able to have the opportunity to have other lifestyle options and choices that keep concepts of self-sovereignty and individual freedoms alive and offer real alternatives to the mainstream corruption of independence and its desire for hive mind compliance.

Self-Sovereignty Uncategorised

Self-Sovereignty is it the same as self-control or self-reliance

Are we becoming a society that seems to have given up on a true self-sovereign form of self-reliance, whilst at the same time excusing the absence of self-control in their lives? 

Ralph Waldo Emerson captures this sentiment, writing: “Unless we overtake ourselves, circumstances will overtake us.”

The psychology of self-control does show that people are more inclined to change addiction habits when they reach out to a community resource to hold them accountable, same applies to the fact that participants are more likely to stick to an exercise program for longer when they commit to a group activity. 

Another aspect of self-control that many 12-step self-help programs are organized around is that of changing your circumstance rather than building willpower. 

Communal or any shared dependence, can be a success principle, in the case of healthy self-reliance

The science behind this is subtle, but it helps to differentiate the understanding between self-control, self-reliance and self-sovereignty. 

What breaks a resolution is a strong temptation. To fight temptations we need willpower, which is prone to fatigue.

As far as will power goes, better solutions are to remove or lessen temptation in the first instance. 

That means as a self-sovereign thinker you’re unlikely to feel the pull of giving up on your resolutions, and relying on others to support you when you falter, if you understand the environmental temptations and what alternatives are available to you.

Recognition that the absence of self-control and perceived self-reliance based on hive-mind thinking is not a healthy state of self -reliance, but a carefully contrived dialogue you have been subjected to, is when the differences to genuine aspects of Self-sovereignty is clear to see.

The emerging dialogue in the western culture is to a hive mind where anyone that deems to think differently is outside the circle and should not be allowed voice or place in the debate.

The panacea of a hive mind self-reliance is to build up the consumer toys, the retirement fund, and bow to the altar of consumerism. At the same time failing to recognize the lack of self-control and a willingness to blame others for things that go wrong.

With that in mind, here are five strategies you can use to build a true communal connection, recognize hive mind, harness and determine your environmental triggers.

Environmental triggers

The earlier you can target environmental triggers, that lead to hive-mind thinking the better off you will be. Recognize what situations are likely to make self-control difficult and come up with a plan to avoid those situations. Perhaps the post-Christmas sales or end of year run-out sales the hive mind needs to justify, are something you should avoid.

Social media and keyboard warriors

Social media and keyboard warriors pinging your device for your attention, try switching off your data connection for certain times, show a true aspect of self-reliance and chase down a primary source document from one of the fire hoses of social media commentaries, and check the source and counter opinions instead of blindly re-tweeting the latest meme. 

Money or Debt

Money or Debt the goal of the anti-community is to make the have and the have not’s use the belief that more is better and that debt is money and it buys you the same value of future enjoyment. 

If you want something, be very specific, state what you will do, when you will do it, and the true cost. Specifying the details of what the consequences are, makes self-control more likely that you succeed in any heat of the moment/hive mind buying decisions.

Plan your community

Plan your community find a few friends who you could call on for a conversation whenever you are needing to hear a different viewpoint on a subject matter. You never want to find your self in an echo chamber of similar opinions or thought processes. This is a true strength of community to be tolerant and examine alternative viewpoints to a societal norm or newly introduced meme, not to demonize and de-platform alternative thinking.


Use imagination

Use imagination, you can improve the cultivation of self-sovereignty using the “what if” technique.

“What if” is a powerfully endowed statement that allows unfettered imagination and possibilities a starting point, which in turn allows solutions and alternatives to be allowed to percolate to the surface of your conscious mind. 

The imagining of “what if ” done with intention is like a key that unlocks the unconscious thought patterns that will always be knocking at the door of consciousness.

The societal patterns and norms we are exposed to, are dictating the use of self-control and self-reliance aspects just to deal with the noise of the second part of the Emerson quote I used at the beginning the

 ” circumstances will overtake us” 

The first part of his quote that I started with

 “Unless we overtake ourselves”

 is a primary element of understanding Self-sovereignty as an antidote to the hive mind and newspeak mentality. This hive mind, newspeak mentality is showing up as a platform for a crippled sense of self-reliance, absence of self-control, and a cause for the proliferation of blame and shame culture and no responsibility. 


There is no perfect strategy that will allow a “free will ” mindset to have a universally accepted application to every individual’s life.

The concept of self-sovereignty as a true barometer of a life well lived and harmonious society is nebulous at best. Though it has enough of a positive effect on an individuals life to implement at any level.


Make no mistake to live a life based on the decision making matrix of the concept of self-sovereignty is to accept straight up that you as an individual are responsible for your life and all aspects of your field of influence on it. 

At times it is not for the faint-hearted because you will be going against the tide at some point and plunging down the rapids at others. 

The water current analogy is another of the fundamental aspects of self-sovereignty, by understanding that recognizing life is a wild ride you are responsible for looking ahead and preparing for what conditions are known and building resilience to the unknown.