Freedom cells Self-Sovereignty

Mandatory vaccine passports .

To comply is a complete surrender of your rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

The whole morass of Deep State control – the mainstream media, politician puppets. Doctor Anthony Fauci and “the experts” – are all over the media praising the implementation of smartphone-based digital vaccine passports. “No one is safe until everyone is safe,” the argument goes. “Everyone must be vaccinated.” 


Resist this with everything you’ve got.

It would be best if you had certain vaccines and immunisations for some international travel. Requiring that healthy people have government-certified digital proof that they’ve taken a mandatory, experimental drug say no. To comply is a complete surrender of your rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

 Living a normal life – going to the grocery store, the movies, or a restaurant – will now be defined as a privilege for which you will need permission.

Important point: mandatory vaccine passports are not a request.

Gateway Drug

The establishment of vaccine passports is like a gateway drug: something seemingly mild, which is undoubtedly destructive. In all probability, its instigators will be extending it to all aspects of public life – banking, travel, personal decisions about your money. 

Before you know it, all your freedoms could be regulated by the data on your phone and what your Social Credit Score is.If you choose to give the State this level of control over your freedom, it is like accepting a new kind of digital slavery.

You have to resist this media messaging on principle and make a common cause with others. That means you have to speak up. You must be heard and seen objecting to this trend. In this case, silence IS consent. And if you don’t speak up and act up now, while you still have the chance, you will regret it for the rest of your life. You may not have that chance later.


More practically, you have to find a community where people share your values or where the town council authorities will resist this centrally imposed authority. Find that community that resists the vaccine passport for trade and integration and get there.

Many corporate/ state-run compliance mechanisms seek to bury the consumer into debt networks. The manufactured supply chains make the system difficult to exit

There can be a seemingly complex nature of escaping from the woven fabric of dependency the system has cast. Which is partly due to the degree of subtlety with which it was formed. By understanding the why behind any endeavour undertaken for self-reliance and the freedom of lifestyle choice is paramount to success.

It will be the foundation to build your pathway across to the lifestyle in which you truly want to participate.


Freedoms can be expressed in many ways, by the ability to grow your own food, trade with whom you like without the state’s permission. Or the ability to say no in any areas of your life; you want to express your self-sovereignty without compromising your values.

Part of the subtle controls and restrictions of freedoms have distanced people from the realities of producing food from the earth, the principles of self-reliance, self-sovereignty, and now, with the latest push from the system for control, is isolation from each other.

In a world where online media consumption is the source of the majority of the information and news, there is a vast gulf between a practical application or just watching the latest youtube video or Facebook discussion on aspects of the permaculture conversation or freedom issues. Self-sovereignty can be started to be addressed simply by the concept of No-Dig gardening in the situation you are in right now with a small area that you consistently maintain and produce from.

Why is this important? Because you have started something, it moves a thought, idea, and desire to action. It is the bridge, the crossing you can take to start on the practical application of knowledge to implement the aspects of freedom, self-reliance and sovereignty that exiting from the control grids that are in place now requires without the requirement of a vaccine passport.

Simply start with a small garden in whatever circumstances are available to you. This has the opportunity to open up conversations with like-minded neighbours. Perhaps yo will find that you have something to trade with the person that has gardens already established.

By wattzupsport

Always prepared to question, never prepared to go along to get along.

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